I'm so glad you stopped by! Have a look around, and reach out if you have any questions!


Hey there!
Find your way

What makes me different from other health coaches? My approach is energetic. This is where the magic happens. Real changes happen only when things shift on a frequency level. My background in science, energy work, coaching and astrology gives me a completely unique perspective to working with health issues. 

Not your typical health coach.

When I was in my 20’s I developed severe eczema and back pain. Along with this, I was also dealing with long-standing digestive issues, fatigue and headaches. And when I was a kid I was frequently sick with throat infections, sinus headaches, migraines, and major fatigue. 

I thought this was normal. I had been feeling bad for so long that I had no idea that feeling good was an option. I certainly had no idea at the time that these things were linked to allergies, emotional trauma, and being disconnected from myself. But I was about to find out! Life sure has a way of intervening and pointing us in the right direction.

All of my belief systems were blown wide open when I began to explore alternative healing options—things that I had been told were crazy and wouldn’t work. And of course, they were the only things that worked! This sent me down a path of questioning everything I had been taught about the world around me, and ultimately led me to follow an entirely different path in life than the one I had planned. 

How my health journey began...

my little story

I quit my chemistry job to study nutrition in 2014 and then went on to become the owner of Forever Healthy Fredericton for 4 years. This is where I learned acupuncture and acupressure, muscle response testing and energy therapies, and became very well-versed in the specific emotional connections to physical health issues.

During this time I also began to study all things spiritual and metaphysical, as well as the law of attraction and the art of manifesting. I later began doing coaching work focusing on intentionally creating your reality.

After a decade of exploring many different modalities, I have found that the most important factor when it comes to health and healing is addressing the emotional and spiritual aspects of the physical symptoms. This is what gets so overlooked in the Western medicine approach, and is the thing that can’t be ignored for real healing to take place.

Certifications: M.Sc., Holistic Nutritionist, EFT Practitioner, Breakthrough Specialist, Reiki Master, Astrologer, Ho'oponopono Practitioner

Get to Know A Little About Moi

5 quick things

I currently have 5 rescues (3 dogs and 2 cats) who make me smile on a daily basis. Nothing beats coming home to happy pups and snuggly cats. I also vacuum a lot. 

Love my pets

If you look on my vision board, you'll see photos of far away places. I love being home, but I also love visiting new places and experiencing different cultures.

I love Travel

Nothing feels better to me than starting my day off by stretching out my body and doing some yoga. Sometimes the pups even join. 

I love Yoga

My garden is one of my happy places. I love to get my hands in the dirt and it feels so satisfying to grow some of my own food. 


Yes, I believe in eating well. But I also believe it's important to have the things you enjoy! And I love a cup coffee in the morning and the occasional (frequent?) glass of red wine. 

I love Coffee & Wine

Life You've always Wanted?

& More Joyful

are you ready to 
Create the

I'm so glad you're here! Have a look around, and reach out with any questions!


Hey there!
Holistic Health Coach
Jessica McConaghy